In Flux with Michaela Slinger ‘17

BIG congratulations on your song, Flux! We’ve had it on repeat in the office. What inspired you to create it?

I wrote Flux when I was going through a time of major transition. I had quit my full-time job because I knew deep down I wanted to pursue music. That feeling of being untethered was central to the song.

Did Quest prepare you for your path into music?

Absolutely, even though I didn’t focus on music at all in my academic life! Quest’s model allowed me to remain interdisciplinary and multi-faceted, which is crucial if you’re going to venture out as a creative or entrepreneurial person. I don’t have all my eggs in one basket—if I try this out and it doesn’t turn out like I hoped, I have other areas of passion and skill.

I learned that 21st-century skill set of being able to pivot and adapt. I’m kind of a Millennial stereotype, where I’m changing course all the time, but I feel safe doing it because I developed skills at Quest—presenting, turning ideas into action, collaborating on timelines, asking good questions, writing and speaking effectively—that will carry me across different types of work.

Was there support for creativity here, even though you didn’t formally pursue music?

The musician community at Quest was incredible! I lived on a music-themed floor my first year, which gave me the gift of having roommates who wanted to make music together. Through the recording studio and Quest album project, I also got a taste of what that process was like. Quest was a perfect place to start taking my art more seriously and trying things out.

Why did you initially choose Quest?

I was graduating high school at barely seventeen and couldn’t fathom the idea of selecting a major or a department. Once I discovered Quest, I realized it had everything I didn’t know I needed. The small classes, Foundation and Concentration programs, and discussion-based learning really spoke to me as someone young and keen and curious about almost anything.

Quest was the only school I applied for and the only school I could see myself attending. Sometimes, when you know, you know—and that’s okay!

Love that! What’s one of the most valuable things you took away with you after graduation?

I think different lessons will emerge at different points in my life. The community I made at Quest has been the most valuable takeaway thus far. It’s a big and challenging transition to leave your undergrad, especially a place as unique and close-knit as Quest. Most of my friends are Quest alums, and it’s really special to navigate the weird world of adulthood, employment and purpose together, having had a transformational shared experience.

Any advice for current students looking to step out of their comfort zone?

In fourth year, I started browsing LinkedIn and other websites to find people or organizations that were interesting to me. I emailed several people in Vancouver and asked if I could take them for coffee and chat with them and if they had advice. Those coffee dates were extremely valuable!

I also took a three-day leadership intensive in Vancouver that connected me to really great people. Through that network I got my first contract job, and I later ended up getting a full-time position there.

In short, ask people your big, scary life questions, and don’t be afraid to reach out! Mentorship is a gift that lots of folks want to give. So put yourself out there before you graduate so it isn’t a full system shock when you do.
