Our inspiring and diverse faculty choose to work at Quest because of one thing – they love to teach and work with students.

With a maximum of 20 students per class, it’s easy for the tutors to get to know each individual student. In addition to the three hours of class time each day, they set aside time to meet with students outside of class. This access to faculty extends beyond your course tutor at a given time: if you’re taking a biology class, you can talk to one of the math tutors to work through the statistics component of your final project.

These close relationships add value beyond the classroom environment. Since our tutors know individual student’s interests, they can contribute to your education by passing along information about exciting opportunities and references. Their level of investment in Quest students is clear from the support they provide even after students graduate and move on to employment and further studies.

All students also work closely with a Faculty Mentor once they decide on their Questions. Faculty Mentors support students as they navigate their classes and prepare their Keystone projects. They also offer a lot of support for grad school applications!

Lastly, our faculty are involved in the Quest community outside of academics. They can frequently be found at events on campus, and our Faculty in Residence host discussions, workshops, and meals for students throughout the year.