Cabaret 2017

Cabaret, the largest annual show of original student art on campus, was held Saturday, April 1st. With a strong seven-year legacy, the event serves as an end of year showcase, a space for community, a dedicated time to show support for student arts, and as part of Quest’s Admit Weekend. This year’s theme was “What makes you uncomfortable?” and addressed topics from the personal, to the campus level, to a global scale, through art and conversation.

A variety of arts were presented including dance, spoken word, painting, sculpture work, live blacksmithing, aerial silks, photography, and film. The performances were divided into two acts with an interlude providing time to experience visual and live art as well as to have conversations as a community.

Cabaret is entirely student organised. A small group of seven students comprise the executive team, which breaks down into logistics and art coordinators; as well as performance art, visual art, marketing, and technical directors. Many of the executives also have teams making the total organising group consisting of approximately 20 people. This year there were an additional 50–60 performance and visual artists, as well as approximately 30–40 volunteers. Cabaret is attended by nearly the entire student body and approximately 50 or so admit students each year.

In addition to the student involvement, this year’s event engaged others across campus, including the Risk Management Committee, Athletics, the Development Office, Facilities, Student Affairs, and Admissions.

Image Quest Cabaret (? @brontay2)