TD Bank Group Expands Quest’s Artist-in-Residence Program

Through the Artist-in-Residence program, Quest has hosted distinguished artists for six- or twelve-week residencies. Artists teach courses and host events for the community, showcasing projects they create with students.

Thanks to an additional grant from TD Bank Group, Quest is expanding the program to include mini-residencies, where artists can visit Quest anywhere from a single day to a few weeks. These residencies include public performances, art showings, open studios and workshops, but not formal for-credit courses. They broaden the chance for a wide scope of art and deeper conversations involving arts and the community.

The first artist scheduled for a mini-residency is the illustrious Allos Musica Ensemble, who will both perform and present a workshop on intercultural communication through music.

TD’s expanded and generous support for the Artist-in-Residence program comes amid Quest’s 2018 Giving Campaign, which focuses on the arts, sciences, scholarships and field trips.

As a not-for-profit university, Quest is funded solely through tuition and the generosity of private donations such as TD Bank Group and supporters like you.
