Category: Faculty Feature

  • On Rocking it Remotely: Dr. Natalie Burstzyn, Geology Faculty

    Q: Your class did an amazing Google Earth project for Cornerstone, the first class all Quest students take. Tell us more!  My objective was to incorporate quantitative data, maps, the locations around the world our incoming students are in, and the Field Sciences (Agriculture, Forestry, Energy Production, and Mineral Extraction)  that are also key global economic drivers. I tasked our students to make these…

  • Q & A with Emma Davy on remote teaching

    Q & A with Emma Davy on remote teaching

    Q:  Which classes did you teach remotely this Spring?  I taught Biochemistry B: Metabolism in March and Chemistry 1: Atomic Structure and Bonding in April.  Q:  What was similar and what was different about teaching remotely?  I kept a lot of the same material for both courses and still did readings and teaching, even if it was…

  • Dr. Mai Yasué reflects on remote learning

    Dr. Mai Yasué reflects on remote learning

    Because of the pandemic, Quest switched to remote learning in March, and we’re going to start Fall 2020 the same way. Our faculty are exceptionally dedicated to teaching, and quickly adapted to deliver the same personalized, immersive classes for which Quest is known. We caught up with Dr. Mai Yasué, Geography Tutor, to reflect on…

  • Einstein+Math+Princeton=Glen’s Sabbatical

    I miss walking through the halls of Quest on the first couple of days of classes, catching up with the returning students. There’s such an energy and community there that I can’t wait to return to! – Glen Van Brummelen Quest’s Dr. Glen Van Brummelen is on sabbatical at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New…

  • Balance for Better with Dr. Jacy Young

    Balance for Better with Dr. Jacy Young

    The theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is #BalanceforBetter. A gender-balanced world is a better world. How do we achieve this? Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality. Quest Social Sciences Tutor Dr. Jacy Young reflects on this and more. Why do we celebrate International Women’s Day? For more than a…

  • A Walk Down Memory Lane

    A Walk Down Memory Lane

    Social Sciences Tutor Tanjeem Azad chats with us about her fascination with the psychological science of human memory and why we can’t depend on it 100%. How did you get interested in the science of memory? I would credit this to my undergraduate psychology professor. He had covered Cognitive Psychology and was beginning the memory…

  • Geology Rocks!

    Geology Rocks!

    Natalie Bursztyn, Physical Sciences Tutor (Geology), explains what makes geology so fascinating and tells us how she found her way to Quest. You’ve been here a year, and students rave about your classes! How did you end up at Quest? I was teaching in California, when a friend of mine told me about Quest. I…

  • Exploring How Environment Shapes Us

    Exploring How Environment Shapes Us

    Social Sciences Tutor Dr. John Reid-Hresko’s research interests took him halfway around the world before he found a new project that’s ideal for his life at Quest and in Sea to Sky country. Dr.  John Reid-Hresko spent the past decade researching the relationships between humanity and the environment. “I’ve been working at the intersections of…

  • In the Field with Dr. Kim Dawe

    In the Field with Dr. Kim Dawe

    Kim talks to us about the importance of the Life Sciences and teaching Field Courses at Quest. How did you end up in the Life Sciences? I grew up in a hunting and fishing family, so I am naturally drawn to being outdoors. I also grew up on an island (Newfoundland) and was enamoured with…

  • Getting the Dirt on Quest at Geological Conference

    Getting the Dirt on Quest at Geological Conference

    Physical Sciences Tutor Dr. Steve Quane, and students Amaya Cherian-Hall ’19 and Martin Lentz ’19, talk about presenting at the Geological Society of America Conference, and Steve’s discovery of a new type of volcanic ash. October was busy for you, Steve! You took your students to the Geological Society of America Conference. Yes! GSA is…